Saturday, July 23, 2011

Security Scheme: 3rd Quarterly Subscription Payment, 2011.


Dear Residents,

Please be informed that the next quarterly payment for the security scheme for August, September, October 2011 (RM 150) is due soon. You are kindly requested to make payment as soon as possible by cash or cheque payable to

“Persatuan Penduduk Sektor SS2 Utara, PJ. “

However, if your quarterly payment is not synchronized with the months mentioned above because you joined the scheme at a different date, it is suggested that this time you top up the difference so that your payment will be in line with the other residents. For example, if you had previously paid for April, May & June, please pay RM 200 now to cover for 4 months, i.e. July, August, Sept and Oct.

If you wish, you may opt to pay for 6 months from August 2011 to Jan 2012 (RM 300).

As usual, your payment can be handed over to the addresses listed below:-

433, Jalan SS 2/2

459, Jalan SS 2/2

53, Jalan SS 2/88

18, Jalan SS 2/90

3, Jalan SS 2/97

12A, Jalan SS 2/98

12 Jalan SS 2/99

36, Jalan SS 2/100

11A, Jalan SS 2/105

24, Jalan SS 2/107



Please make sure that you write your name and address on the reverse of the cheque. (If you are paying by cash, please visit our website to look for the Committee Member nearest to you)

Non-Members : To the other residents who have not joined yet, we appeal to you to join our security scheme for your safety and the safety of your loved ones. Even though the crime rate is under control, we need your support to reduce the crime rate further by employing more security guards to patrol our area. The joining rate is RM 200 (RM 50 as start-up cost and the remaining RM 150 for 3 months subscription.)

Please visit our website to download the form or contact any of the Committee Members nearby your house for assistance.

For Security Assistance, call 016 9108602

Thank you very much.

Security Committee,

Sub-Sector D, SS2 Utara, PJ

P/s: Please ignore this gentle reminder if you had already paid. Thank you.

Friday, July 1, 2011

SS2D: Appeal for Used Items

Dear Residents,

As you are aware, there are now 2 new guard posts at SS2/90 & SS2/107
and a Police beat base (near Bomba /TNB substation) to safeguard the security
of SS2D. However, those posts are still short of the following items:
  1. Table fan or stand fan
  2. Steel file cabinet
  3. Rubbish bin with lid ( M or L size)
Since fund is limited because the number of paying security members is still below 50%, the Security Committee would like to appeal to you to kindly contribute any used item (old but still usable) as mentioned above.

Please do not hesitate to contact any of the committee members
or email us to make further arrangement.

Thank you very much.
Security Committee