Please take note that the next security payment for January, February, Mac & April 2016 (RM200.00) is due shortly. Those
who wish to pay for 6 months (RM 300) or 12 months (RM 600) may
continue to do so. Members who joined at a different time resulting in payments
not in sync with our schedule may adjust their payments accordingly so that all
future payments can be synchronized.
Kindly make payment by :
cash; or
cheque payable to “Persatuan Penduduk Sektor SS2
Utara, PJ.” ; or
· e-banking/bank transfer direct into Account
No: CIMB 8003414519. Please forward the
payment slip/details to any Committee Member or e-mail to
for purpose of updating payment record and issuance of receipt.
As a reminder, if you are transferring payment via "CIMB Clicks", please make it a point to inform us of your
registered name with SS2D Security or your house address for ease of identification.
For security assistance, call :
Hotline : 018-254 8567
Security Manager, Mr. Sunil Dhaliwal
: 016-944 8261
Police SEA Park (SS 2/60) : 03
7875 1382
you very much.
Security Committee,
Note: Please ignore this
reminder if you have already made your payment. Thank you.
Please pass your payment to
the Committee Member or Road Representative nearest to you or drop your
cheque to any of the addresses below. Make sure you write your name
and address on the reverse of the cheque. Thank you.
433, Jalan SS
2/2 (Mr. Lo S.S.)
459, Jalan SS
2/2 (Mr. Henry Wong)
013 3027127
53, Jalan SS
2/88 (Ms. Peggy Hoo)
3, Jalan SS 2/92
(Mr. Hari Ramalu)
016 2056517
8, Jalan SS 2/96 (Mr. Ng Hean Yin)
012 2013918
12A, Jalan SS
2/98 (Mr. Bobby Chan)
019 2268228
12 Jalan SS 2/99 (Ms. Alice Ho)
017 8880282
36, Jalan SS
2/100 (Mr. Yap Wei Aun)
25, Jalan SS
(Ms. Lilian Khor)
11A, Jalan SS 2/105 (Ms. Ellen)
24, Jalan SS
2/107 (Mrs. Ong)