Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Meeting with Residents Date 15th Nov

Meeting with Residents 05/09
Date: 15th Nov’ 09.
Venue: Deli Blossom Café, Jln SS2/103
In attendance: - Bobby Chan, The Lai Hock, Tan Beng Teik and Jimmy Lim (of Jalan SS2/104)
A general discussion was held. Mr Lim was briefed in detail of all that had taken placed since the
scheme was mooted. He was supplied with a copy of plan on the proposed security set-up. Mr
Lim indicated that he would assist to distribute the forms and do some canvassing to the
residents around his area.
Meeting commenced at 3.00 p.m. and finished at 3.50p.m.
Launching of Security Programme of SS2C1 on 15th November 2009
For the information of residents within our Security Area, SS2 Utara, Sector D, Security Sector
SS2 Utara Sector C1 held a soft launch of their scheme on Sunday, 15 November, 2009 at the
Taman Rekreasi along Jalan SS2/81 at 4.00 p.m.
(Sector SS2 Utara C1 covered SS 2/74-78, SS2/77 -91, has a total of 270 houses, with over 200
houses contributing to the scheme)
Deputy OCPD of Petaling Jaya, Supt. Abd Razak, Chief Inspector Mohd Sahar, representative of
MBPJ and ADUN Y.B. Dr Cheah Wing Yin graced the function.
The Police acknowledged that the crime rate in SS2, PJ area was high. However with the security
programme being implemented in some areas (with some online to do so), hopefully the crime
scene would see a significant improvement.
Both the Police and MBPJ stated very clearly that they welcomed and would give full support
and co-operation to the Committee/Security Company to ensure the success of the scheme. They
stressed that to enhance the level of security and safety of the residents, both the residents and
police must work hand in hand. Should the residents encounter any untoward incidents and
suspect anything amiss, the residents could contact the Security Personnel who would inturn
contact the police to assist immediately. In fact the co-operation between the Security Company
had been cordial and would remain so.
The dialogue between the residents and the Police & MBPJ was lively touching on many aspects
from removal of drums placed along the side-lanes, measurement of crime rate , indiscrimate
parking in SS2 township, building of high curb along SS2/80 (between SS2/75 & 2/77) to
prevent congestion, traffic congestion along SS2/24 (Sri Siam/Eng Seng Hin), SS 2/75.
The Police, YB Dr Cheah, Rep of MBPJ flagged off the Home Guards at 5.45p.m.
Hopefully when our security scheme in SS2 Utara, Sector D is being implemented we would be
able to have more dialogues/discussions with the Police/MBPJ thereby enhancing our way of

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