Dear Residents,
The Security Committee regrets to inform you that developer Dijaya Corporation Bhd / Tropicana City Sdn Bhd has proposed to build an 18 storey TroPicana Hotel block (consisting of 5 storey Podium and 13 storey Hotel), 9 storey Office block and other Car Park facilities just beside the Tropicana City Mall adjacent to Jalan SS2/113. In their proposed plan, it clearly shows that Jalan SS2/104 will be used as an access road. (Please refer to the development plans attached.)
For your information, MBPJ has already put up a notice board at the site citing the developer’s application to convert the land status from the original residential to commercial use. It states that all neighbouring land/property owners who have any objection to that proposal are required to lodge their objection in writing to Datuk Bandar, MBPJ by 10 Mac 2011.
As you know, the area where we stay is high density enough and has already been over developed. The construction of that huge commercial project and the opening up of Jalan SS2/104 as an access road through a residential area will surely pose many problems to the residents which will :
(a) Greatly compromise the overall security of our area, especially from Jalan SS2/95 to Jalan SS2/113. It will certainly aggravate existing security problems with numerous taxis, strangers going in and out, making security control extremely difficult. It will also pose higher safety risks to residents who daily use the SS2/104 park (taman) as their recreation ground;
(b) Destroy the serenity and peacefulness of our established housing estate/neighbourhood;
(c) Cause excessive & unnecessary traffic jam/congestion along the inner roads of SS2 and in turn along the LDP which is already highly congested presently. It will also undoubtedly create noise as well as air pollution from exhaust & dust which is a real health issue. Haphazard parking will unfortunately be unavoidable!
The Security Committee is now organizing a signature campaign to strongly object to this huge development at our door step for the good of our family and the community. We appeal to you and your neighbours to join force with us in supporting this campaign to protect the residents’ interests and to sign this petition/protest letter immediately. We must work together and be united in one voice to make the campaign a successful one.
All supporting signatures will be forwarded to MBPJ and the developer as soon as possible before the deadline on 10 Mac 2011.
We thank you for your valuable support.
Security Committee
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