The Security Committee has in the past applied to MBPJ through Councillor Mr. Tony Cheong for additional street lights in SS2D area. Our letter dated 23.9.2010 and the lighting map below are referred.
In total, 26 nos. additional street lights were requested so as to improve the overall security and safety of SS2D, to reduce dark spots and hence traffic accidents and to facilitate movement of the fire brigade during emergency.
We are now pleased to inform you that TNB, on the instruction of MBPJ, had already installed all the new lights as requested using this year’s budget allocation and at the same time repaired some spoilt ones.
We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank Councillor Mr. Tony Cheong for his hard work, full cooperation and support and also residents like you for your patience & understanding.
Thank you very much.
Security Committee

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