Saturday, January 29, 2011

Missing Pet Dog

Dear Residents,
This is a special request from a member resident whose pet dog is missing.

That Pomeranian pet dog named "Goldie" was missing in front of a house along SS2/96 on Friday (28 Feb.) morning between 9:30am to 10:00am. The dog leash slipped off a woman's hand as it went after another stray just in front of her house. The last time she saw it ran towards SS2/103 and gave chase in her car but could not find the dog. This Pomeranian pet dog was a gift to her from her friend and she is very fond of it.

We seek your help and assistance urgently in locating this pet dog.
Its pictures are attached herewith.
If you have any info on that dog, please immediately contact Mr. Alvin Foo @ 012-313 8743 or Mdm. Cheah @ 012-309 2800.

Thank you very much.
Security Committee

Thursday, January 27, 2011

CNY Holidays: Security Notification

Dear Residents,

In view of the coming Chinese New Year festivities, many of you would be going back to your hometown or travel outstation for your holidays. Therefore, there is a necessity to beef up the security in our neighbourhood.

As such, the Security Committee has decided to engage an additional 3 temporary security guards, making a total of 10 guards for a 10-day duration from 29.1.2011 to 7.2.2011. 5 guards each will be on duty during day time and at night. The security company, Perisai Bernas (M) Sdn Bhd, has also promised to provide a guard dog free of charge for patrolling purpose.

If you are going outstation and would like the security guards to pay more attention to your house, you may opt to fill up a “Notification Form” (in duplicate) available at the guard post at Jalan SS2/90. Please fill in the forms, sign and hand them to the guard on duty. The guard will acknowledge receipt and return a copy to you. A sample of the form is attached herewith for your reference.

Thank you,
Security Committee


Date :

To : Security Officer

Please be informed that we will be away from ………………………………


1. Name:

2. Address:

3. Contact nos:

4. Signature:

I trust and appreciate that your company will pay particular attention to our house including the surrounding area during the period we are away.


Date received:
Received by :
Signature :

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Security Quarterly Subscription for Feb, Mac, April 2011

Dear Residents,

On behalf of the Security Committee, we wish you HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011.

You may be aware that two cases of car thefts had occurred in our area within the last month of the old year. The Committee had taken the proactive step by liaising with the Police to further improve the overall security. We truly appreciate the valuable assistance the Police had given us by setting up a Police Post along Jalan SS2/2 at junction of Jalan SS2/103. Arising out of our discussion with the Officer In Charge of SS2 Police Station, Mr. Gunam, we have decided to shift the said Police Post to the side road adjacent to TNB substation nearby Balai Bomba along Jalan SS 2/2. We feel that the Police Post at that spot would be more strategic and effective. It will be manned around the clock.

For your information, the Committee is coming out with the Inaugural Magazine to coincide with the 1st Anniversary of our Security Scheme which was launched on 1st February, 2010. Through this publication, we hope to be able to raise reasonable amount of fund to assist us to have 4 guard posts, boom-gates and other permanent barriers, as envisaged in our original security plan. We thank those residents who have responded and to the others we hope and appreciate if you would come forward to contribute any amount to our cause. You can contact any Committee Member to pay your contribution.

The membership still remains static at around 287 members. We urgently need your assistance to influence your immediate neighbours or friends; who are not members as yet, to join in the scheme. At the same time, may we take this opportunity to remind you the next quarterly payment for Feb, Mac & April, 2011 (RM150) is due. If you wish, you may opt to pay for 6 months from Feb to July 2011 (RM300). Please pay up as soon as possible by cash or cheque payable to
" Persatuan Penduduk Sektor SS2 Utara, PJ."

To the other residents who have not joined yet, we appeal to you to join our security scheme for your safety and the safety of your love ones. Even though the crime rate is under control, we need your support to reduce the crime rate further by employing more security guards to patrol our area. The joining rate is RM 200 (RM 50 as start-up cost and the remaining RM 150 for 3 months subscription.)

Your payment can be handed over to the addresses listed below:-

433, Jalan SS 2/2, 459, Jalan SS 2/2, 53, Jalan SS 2/88, 18, Jalan SS 2/90,
4, Jalan SS 2/94, 3, Jalan SS 2/97, 12A, Jalan SS 2/98, 12 Jalan SS 2/99
36, Jalan SS 2/100, 11A, Jalan SS 2/105, 24, Jalan SS 2/107 -

Please ensure you write your name and address on the reverse of the cheque. (If you wish to pay by cash, please visit our website to call any of the Committee Member nearest to you)

Please ignore this gentle reminder if you had already paid.

For Security Assistance, call 016 9108602

Thank you
Bobby Chan,
Chairman, Security Committee,
Sub-Sector D, SS2 Utara, PJ

Friday, January 7, 2011

SS2D Security Fund Raising: Contribution List

Dear Residents,

Happy New Year !

In our effort to further enhance the security scheme at SS2D, we, the Security Committee, have recently launched a ‘Fund Raising’ campaign, targeting to raise RM 15,000. The relevant newsletter, dated 29 Nov 2010, together with the contribution form, were distributed earlier to every household by the Committee Members.

Since then, many helpful & understanding residents (including non-members) have responded, and have come forward to make contribution voluntarily. As to date (7 Jan 2011), we are pleased to inform you that the total donation collected stands at RM 9,420.00 (as listed below), which is indeed very encouraging and heart-warming.

Jalan(SS2/….)No. of ContributorsAmount Collected (RM)
YB Dr.Cheah Wing Yin12,500
Perisai Bernas(M) S/B1500
Tennis Fans (SS2/104)-100
TotalRM 9,420.00

In appreciation of their kind donations, it is proposed that all contributors’ names be published in the 1st Anniversary Magazine expected to be released in February 2011. However, if any contributor/donor prefers to stay anonymous, please kindly inform the Committee Member nearest to you.

For residents who have not yet decided, we hope you will join force with us to make our security scheme a successful & effective one and more importantly to ensure a safer and more peaceful neighbourhood for our families and friends. We will greatly appreciate your contribution of any amount.

Please use the form already delivered to you and pass it to your nearest Committee Member together with your contribution. The newsletter and Committee Member list are available on our website where you can also download the form.

Thank you very much.

SS2D Security Committee

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Article from the Star Newspaper 1st Jan 2011

Dear Residents

Article from the Star Newspaper